The Journey of Connecting to my Womb
Join me in the story and journey of connecting to my Womb!
I begin at childhood because to understand the story, we need to go back to the beginning.
I share about getting my period for the first time, being on birth control for nearly 16 years, coming off all pharmaceuticals, releasing the identity of “chronic pain” after 7 years and how ALL of this has shaped my desire to support women and mothers.
It is my intention that through connecting with me, you will remember how to embrace the natural cycles all around you.
That you too can live a fulfilling, blissful, thriving life in connection with your Womb and Mother Earth.
Thank you for being here.
The Beginning…
I grew up on the farm around nature and birth, as did my parents and ancestors. As a Taurus little girl, I loved the rural farm life. I loved watching calves being born, riding horses and playing outside. When I became a teenager though, I wanted nothing to do with it and sought the city life, dreaming of the lives on TV shows and in love songs.
Little did I know, this programming was a key player in the disconnection from my Womb and a key source of shadows and beliefs I would need to work through and release later in life.
My first period came at 10 years old, years before my sisters and friends. I often felt alone and awkward in this body that was so different from other girls my age, and desperately wanting to be like my friends, like everyone else. What I learned about the menstrual cycle was that I could now get pregnant at any time and this awful thing would be a burden on my life for the next 40+ years. It was my responsibility to not get pregnant, and if I did my life would be ruined.
Only at 31 years old did I begin to learn about what had been happening in my body for two-thirds of my life.
For 20 years, I hated my monthly cycle and did everything possible to minimize its burden on my life. At 15 years old, I was put on the Pill for acne and excruciating menstrual cramps. I spent nearly 16 years on almost every kind of birth control on the market to “regulate hormones” and “be in control of my cycle”. Not once did a doctor talk to me about possible risks, side effects or educate me on anything cycle related. For the majority of this time, I honestly didn’t care about what was going into my body, only that my “quality of life” was convenient. This was the narrative I was programmed with, and I had no awareness that my experience could be any different.
I was completely numb and disconnected from my body, Womb and Intuition. I lived in a perpetual cycle of suffering, unworthiness and lack.
But in 2020, something shifted within me…
After nearly 16 years on birth control, and years on anti-depressants, muscle relaxants and Botox for chronic migraine, I came off all pharmaceuticals. I began to reclaim my body and my autonomy. This is where my passion around women’s health has come from.
After 20 years of disconnection, I now love and am curious about my Womb and cycles, with my experience becoming intuitive and personalized to my body on a monthly basis. What was once something I was ashamed of and conditioned to hide has now become a sacred experience that brings me joy and into states of bliss.
When I began to connect to myself in this way, I became interested in discovering and reclaiming the Divine Feminine within me, and how it’s represented all around us in the cycles of nature. This inspired me to have meaningful and vulnerable conversations with women about their experiences with their lives, bodies and birth.
The recurring theme that started to emerge is that most women feel lack of support, disconnected and uninformed when it comes to understanding their bodies, the natural Cycles it goes through, and what is required in Pregnancy and Postpartum Care to support thriving life for mother and baby.
This has led to a passion in supporting women and mothers through these rites of passages that have become “medical emergencies” and “pathologies that require control and management”. Unfortunately, the current systems don’t have the awareness or care that provides physiological and holistic ways of supporting women and mothers. It’s time to remember the old ways to merge with the new to create and sustain thriving life for all.
The disconnection from the Womb, Mother and Divine Feminine is present in all areas globally.
In order to heal the collective, we need to heal women and mothers. We need to remember the innate wisdom held within.
We are in a time of awakening and repair. The work I am now called to do with women and mothers around Cycle Awareness, Pregnancy and Birth, and Postpartum Care is in support of this remembrance and repair for our generation and future generations to come.
For 7 years, I lived with daily chronic pain…
In 2022, I have released this identity, but the lessons, experiences and wisdom from this time shape and influences the support I provide to women and mothers. Living with chronic pain has taught me a lot about what true connection to my body means, advocating for myself and navigating many care providers.
Holistic care, nutrition, plant medicines, meditation and mindfulness have been the most impactful resources in the reduction and release of chronic pain, and living a fulfilling life. These were the things that helped me cultivate inner peace and states of bliss amidst suffering and disconnection.
Now I desire to share with others how to listen to and connect with their bodies, and how to hold space for discomfort by aligning with the powerful forces of connecting with nature and innate wisdom.
Witnessing nature and cycles, while cultivating a reciprocal relationship with my body, Womb and Mother Earth have all been my biggest teachers in this process of remembrance and reclamation of connection to body, Womb and Soul.
May you reclaim the power held within your Womb, in honor of yourself, your ancestors and daughters to come.
It is my intention that through connecting with me, you will remember how to embrace the natural cycles all around you.
That you too can live a blissful, fulfilling, thriving life in connection with you Womb and Mother Earth.
Thank you for being here.