Hi, I’m Brittany!
I have a deep desire and calling to support women and mothers.
Based on my studies, and my own personal lived experiences, I have a unique and introspective understanding of the threads of wisdom that have been lost or broken, and are currently being rewoven when it comes to supporting women in the childbearing continuum.
My passion is supporting you to improve your overall health and wellbeing by reconnecting to your body, intuition, and honoring the sacredness of your journey as a woman.
Below you’ll find lots of ways to learn more about me including blogs, podcast interviews, and more!
To learn more about me and the creation of Blissful Womb Care
Curious to learn more about trainings I’ve done, books I’ve read, podcasts that inspire me, and more?
Listen to my story, learn more about Postpartum Care and the practice of Cycle Awareness on these podcasts I’ve been interviewed on!
Featured on the Light Cellar Blog & YouTube Channel
Women & Wombs ~ Cyclical Wisdom
w/ Brittany Zeer
Focusing on the Mother as a Path to Societal & Community Healing
w/ Brittany Zeer & Malcolm Saunders

Weaving a world of intergenerational healing and mother-centered care.
To inspire change in the ways we nourish, care for, and support mothers.
Community, Reciprocity, Inner Wisdom, Nourishment, Holistic Wellness, Mother Earth, Cyclical Wisdom, Integrity, Playfulness, Adaptability
I create a safe space for you to connect to your Womb, Body & Soul, in support of the entire child-bearing continuum, through reclaiming your Menstrual Cycle and the practice of Cycle Awareness, to mother-centered Postpartum Care.
I will forever be a curious student, constantly inspired by the women and mothers in my life, Earth-based and “alternative care” modalities, cyclical living, and Mother Earth herself.
I focus on compassion, mindfulness, and accessibility to improve overall health and wellbeing, while supporting you in reconnecting to your body and the inner wisdom you hold within.
I take a holistic approach to support overall health, wellbeing, and the mind/body connection, rooted in the 5 Essentials of Postpartum Care.
I embody the practices and support I offer, walking alongside you. I desire to support you in reclaiming this intuitive way of being for yourself, too.
Do you desire to have a different experience and relationship with your body and postpartum/motherhood journey? To feel held, seen and supported through the entire child-bearing continuum, and to receive care that centers YOU?
The gateway to who YOU truly and wholly are might just be through reconnecting to your Womb and the inner wisdom you hold within. I would be honored to witness and support you in reclaiming this, for you and future generations to come.

what women and mothers are saying…

Gratitude and Reverence to all who have contributed to the birth of Blissful Womb Care
Many people and offerings have impacted, inspired and influenced me in the creation of Blissful Womb Care.
In deep reverence, acknowledgement and gratitude, thank you to all the individuals who have supported me in countless seen and unseen ways.
By you stepping forward and sharing your truth, knowledge and wisdom it has allowed me to move through the discomfort of doing the same.
May endless blessings and abundance flow to each of you, in this lifetime and lifetimes to come.
Thank you.
Thank you to KayLea Schnell for the website, branding and logo design of Blissful Womb Care. None of this would have been created in this way if it wasn’t for her creative inspirations and gifts. Thank you.
Thank you to Diane Gregoire for the photographs. The day of this photoshoot and experience with Diane truly was a dream come true. I’m so grateful to share your creativity with the world. Thank you.
Thank you to my Soul Sisters Andrea, Rachelle, Veronica, Cassandra (and many more!) for walking alongside me on this journey of remembrance and reclamation. You inspire me every day. It’s an honor to see you, and to be seen by you. Thank you.
Thank you to my partner, Shawn. So much healing of my Womb has been through our conscious relationship. To be seen, held and loved by the Divine Masculine allows me to embrace the Divine Feminine that has been oppressed and suppressed within, connecting me to my Womb in ways I never imagined possible. Thank you.
A special thank you to my Mother (Elaine), Sisters (Michelle & Luan), Grandmothers (Barbara, Joy & Shirley) and all my Ancestors for being my source of inspiration and anchor points throughout my entire life. You have been my biggest cheerleaders and support systems. I do this work in honor of you and our lineage. Thank you.
(This is not a complete list of all who I’m acknowledging, however I trust that the gratitude and reciprocity will be felt by all.)
To my parents, Lonnie & Elaine, thank you.
When I was 15 years old, my parents introduced my sisters and I to the world of Personal Development. Over the course of my late teenage years I was immersed in courses like Personal Best, Millionaire Mind and Warrior by Peak Potentials, to name a few.
Not only did I participate in these courses (being the youngest in some cases to do so), I also had the amazing opportunity to be in support to those going through personal development for the first time.
These courses, interactions and environments laid the foundation for who I am today, how I hold space and the compassionate support I offer.
I view these times as incredible gifts. Because of you, I am able to shine my light and live the life of my dreams.
Thank you, Mom and Dad. I love you.
Read my Land Acknowledgement
I would be honored to connect with you. Thank you for being here.