Sunday, March 9, 2025

10:30 am - 12:30 pm MST

Join Brittany, live online or in person at Light Cellar in Calgary, AB for an empowering class to learn what we should have been taught about our body’s cyclical wisdom in health class (and what most health care providers are NOT taught) including:

- An introduction in the practice of Fertility Awareness, how to use this as a natural form of birth control, and to gain insight into your own cyclical rhythm;

- How the 4 phases of your Menstrual Cycle reflect the cycles and seasons occurring around us, understanding how to work with the energetics of these seasons to plan, create, and live in accordance with the phases of your cycle



Testimonials from the Cyclical Wisdom Class

“Must watch for all humans - The 2+ hour class was full of really easy-to-grasp yet deep knowledge on the menstrual cycle of women. Obviously important for all women to understand, but I also wish this was more known amongst men. I think we could build a pretty amazing world if we all watched Brittany's fine class! Even though I had already been diving into this work myself, there were still many things new to me.” - Rose A.

“Informative and inspiring - Well structured workshop, lots of valuable insights.” - Maria E.




Sunday, February 16, 2025

10:30 am - 12:30 pm MST

Postnatal depletion and perinatal mood disorders are rampant in our communities.  There are many contributing factors to this, but some key ones are intergenerational depletion and a lack of community support, resulting in mothers who are under-resourced, under-nourished, and burnt out.

However, a way forward reclaiming cross-cultural postpartum care wisdom, centering the nourishment and care of mothers is here.

Join Brittany, live online or in person at Light Cellar in Calgary, AB for an empowering class rooted in the 5 Essentials of Postpartum Care, which are really the essentials for health and wellbeing for all.


Testimonials from The Nourished Mother class

“Highly Recommend - I left Brittany's class feeling empowered. She is so knowledgeable and shared so many practical strategies to support women throughout their lives.” - Megan B.

“AMAZING!!!! - I loved everything that Brittany had to offer. I came in to her class knowing a bit of postpartum care and was toying around with the idea of getting into it since I had just experienced a weird miscarriage and wanted to know more about healing myself. Once I left her class I was so much more inspired and motivated to keep on learning and keep making a difference for other moms as well. Brittany and her offerings came into my life at the perfect time. And I am so greatful I found her and her knowledge! 10000% recommend her to anyone curious about their postpartum journey and how to best heal and navigate it.” - Daniela


Thursday, February 6, 2025

7:00 - 8:30 pm MST

Join Brittany, live online or in person at Light Cellar in Calgary, AB for a deliciously inspiring class to learn how to craft your own superfood broth, and the many ways you can enjoy different broth recipes!


Testimonials from Crafting a Superfood Broth class

“Great! - I was encouraged by a friend to attend to get more knowledge on broth and how to make. I enjoyed the recipes, tasting them and the enthusiasm of Brittany presenting. My top take aways were natural ways to build immunity - and it's easier than I thought! As well as anti-inflammatory and postpartum options. Was a great class.” - Kelli

“Tasty! - I wanted to learn about making my own broth and stock. My top take-aways were the difference between stock and broth (and now knowing how to make them), the best way to add certain herbs (such as nettle) and adding apple cider vinegar!” - Bethany