Supporting Airdrie, Calgary & Surrounding Areas

and Virtually Across Canada!


The first 6 weeks after birth will to be the wildest ride of your life. Even if you think you’re prepared, nothing can adequately prepare you for the rapid change you go through when you bring your newborn home.

This is what I’m here for. Receive nurturing, compassionate support during the highs and lows of the early postpartum days.

download the first forty days package

As you transform into a Mother, so much shifts within you. Sometimes you just need someone who GETS IT.

You won’t be judged by me or feel like you need to hide from me. I can provide you with resources and recipe inspiration, and I can hold space for you in the messiness and vulnerability of Postpartum and Motherhood.

download the virtual support package

Many people struggle with surrendering to rest. You may feel antsy to “get back at it” but may not know what is appropriate or supportive for your body, and you may over do it easily.

Private Postpartum Yoga is curated to meet your physical movement needs and limitations, wherever you’re at.

download private postpartum yoga