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my offerings

Blissful Cycles, Prenatal Yoga & Postpartum Care


Supporting Airdrie, Calgary, Surrounding Areas, & Virtually Across Canada



Blissful Cycles

Blissful Cycles is a 3 month long virtual container to learn and embody the practice of Cycle Awareness.

Connect to your Womb, Body & Soul by learning Fertility Awareness, Menstrual Cycle Awareness, the energetics of each phase of your Cycle, and how they relate to the Moon and Seasonal Cycles.

Receive resources and embodiment practices to integrate this wisdom into your daily life so you may live a more blissful, fulfilling, thriving life in alignment with your Cycle, rather than seeing it as a burden.

Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy and birth are transformational times in a woman's life. As your body changes, so does every other aspect of your life. It can be blissful and empowering, challenging and confronting. No two pregnancies are the same.

As an experienced Prenatal Yoga Teacher, I have taken this into consideration in creating my specially curated 6 Week Prenatal Yoga series. This is designed to support you and your changing body throughout pregnancy, in preparation for birth, and postpartum.

Connect to your body, breath, baby, and Womb through private Prenatal Yoga.

Postpartum Care

How a mother is cared for Postpartum lays the foundation for long term health and wellness, well into future generations.

The 5 Essentials of Postpartum Care are Rest, Warmth, Nourishment, Body Care and Community Support. Learn more about specific packages centering each of these for in-home care, packages for weekly visits in the first 6 weeks Postpartum, private Postpartum Yoga, and virtual support options.

Postpartum isn’t just the First 40 Days or the first year after birth. Postpartum is for life. It’s never too late, or too early, to receive mother-centered Postpartum Care.


May you reclaim the power held within your Womb, in honor of yourself, your ancestors and daughters to come.


Blissful Cycles

A 3-Month long group container to connect you with your Womb, Body and Soul through the practice of Cycle Awareness

Join women and mothers from around the world who are remembering the innate wisdom held within their Wombs and bodies to live a blissful, fulfilling, thriving life.

May you remember the innate wisdom held within your womb and your connection to Cyclical living

The Spring community was transformational!

Join the Waitlist to be notified when the next community opens!


Blissful Cycles is a 3 month long virtual container to learn and embody the practice of Cycle Awareness.

Connect to your Womb, Body & Soul by learning Fertility Awareness, Menstrual Cycle Awareness, the energetics of each phase of your Cycle, and how they relate to the Moon and Seasonal Cycles.

Receive resources and embodiment practices to integrate this wisdom into your daily life so you may live a more blissful, fulfilling, thriving life in alignment with your Cycle, rather than seeing it as a burden.

Curious to learn more?



connect to your body, breath, baby and womb

Prenatal Yoga is a beautiful gateway into getting to know your changing body, to connecting to your breath, to alleviate common physical discomforts many experience during pregnancy, prepare your body and mind for labor and birth, it’s co-regulating for your nervous system, and has so many more benefits!

Are you local to Airdrie, Calgary or Surrounding Areas?

I would be honored to guide you through my 6 Week Prenatal Yoga Series!

Blissful Prenatal Yoga isn’t your average Prenatal Yoga class that you’ll experience in most yoga studios.

This specially curated 6 week series has been created with the intention of creating a safe space for you to be seen, held, and supported throughout your pregnancy journey, and to prepare not just physically, but mentally and emotionally for birth and postpartum.

Each week has a different focus and theme as a way to honor not only how your body changes throughout pregnancy, but how YOU change. We begin and end each private class with space for reflection, and then if needed, I can adjust the practice to suit your needs, while staying within the weekly themes.


Curious to learn more?



May the care and healing of your womb also heal your mother, sisters, grandmothers and ancestors. may the healing we do today ALSO flow forward to future generations.

Postpartum Care isn’t just for the fourth trimester or the first 40 days after having a baby. Studies are now showing that it can take 2-7 years for your body to heal, recover and replenish from each pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

I believe it’s every woman’s birthright to be cared for and supported throughout her entire Motherhood journey, not just in the early postpartum time.

This is why I believe Postpartum Care should be available for every Mother or Grandmother, whether you’re 3 days or 30+ years Postpartum.

It’s never too early, or too late, to receive Postpartum Care.



Sliding Scale and Payment Plans

I believe in accessibility

You will notice that almost all of my Postpartum Care Packages are on a Sliding Scale basis.

I acknowledge the gaps in financial accessibility and resourcing many women face. I also acknowledge that many women and mothers will sacrifice their own wellbeing over the wellbeing of their baby, partner and family unit, rather than investing in their own support.

I provide a range for Sliding Scale in reciprocal exchange for the time, energy, wisdom and knowledge I share with you. Whatever exchange is within your means, I honor and respect. You will always receive the same value from the care I provide, in all of my offerings.

Based on your current financial resourcing, pay what you can within the Suggested Sliding Scale range.
